
克林纳的副总裁兼IT总监 & 加州伯灵顿的联合PC公司


Please describe your position and what you enjoy most about it.

我目前担任伯灵顿办事处的分公司经理以及整个公司的副总裁兼IT总监. 我和各种私人公司合作, 商业, 工业, 以及在爱荷华州东南部为水资源提供工程和施工阶段服务的政府客户, 环境, 岩土类工程. 我喜欢解决客户的问题, 我喜欢看到高兴的客户,同时不断学习用科学技术解决工程问题的新方法. 在过去的二十年里,我作为IT总监的领导能力使我能够支持我们发展到七个办公室,拥有115名员工在办公室工作,并尽可能安全高效地远程工作.

What aspects of your HLGU experience helped you prepare for your career?

I learned how to work with teams to collaborate on big problems. 最重要的是, 我学会了在每个人身上认出上帝的形象,不管我是否同意他们或喜欢他们. This helps me appreciate the diversity that is necessary for a healthy team to function properly. 我真的学会了如何学习, 这是我一生的追求,以满足我对造物主赋予自然和建筑环境的秩序的好奇心. His fingerprints are manifested throughout creation.


神呼召我去领导我们在汉尼拔的第一个分公司,我很高兴踏出信心的道路, 当他打电话给我,让我举家搬迁,去管理我们公司和一家位于爱荷华州伯灵顿的小公司的合并时,又来了一次. 这种举动并不适合所有人, 但通过寻求他的智慧,我克服了困难,使我成为一个更好的人,有能力处理各种我从未有机会解决的挑战. 当你走出自己的舒适区, get ready for a wild ride that only God can guide you through.

Have you or are you currently continuing your education? If so, please list the institution(s) and degree(s) you earned or are working toward.

离开密苏里大学罗拉分校后,我作为副班的毕业生代表转到该校. I graduated from UMR with a BS in Geological Engineering in December 1993. 在克林纳工作多年之后, 我选择从密苏里科技大学(原UMR)获得岩土工程硕士学位。. This additional education required extreme time management balancing a family, 我的职业生涯, and my education over a period of five years from 2008 through 2012. 然而, 我非常喜欢这一切, and it even took me on a field trip to Macchu Picchu in Peru.


HLGU taught me to appreciate all human beings as images of our God, and that I could separate that from whether or not I agreed with them or liked them. 我学会了团队合作. Also, the writing and critical thinking skills I learned at HLG are being used daily.


日常运用写作技巧,定期撰写专业的工程意见书和报告. I learned to appreciate the value of an outline and to write with the reader in mind.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

在水资源部门,他将带领设计团队完成一项具有挑战性的拨款项目,该项目是密西西比河沿岸的格尔夫波特泵站,与伯灵顿隔江而行,我们在那里安装了新的电动泵,使泵站达到150个,000 GPM of seepage and rain water back into the river. 在环境方面,它将是在爱荷华州北部的联邦动物疾病研究机构的管道隧道中设计一个非常大的石棉减排项目. 在岩土工程和施工阶段的服务,它将是设计援助,以支持移动1,000 ton crane called “Big Bird” as it lifted many large components exceeding 1,000,2000英镑在2美元处到位.10亿美元的爱荷华州韦弗化肥厂. 和, 最后, 在我的IT职责中,我领导我们公司将七个办事处从内部部署的传统电话系统过渡到基于云的VoIP电话系统,该系统在最近的大流行期间与位置无关. 另外, 我已经带领我们过渡到其他基于云的服务,以提高我们的核心服务的灾难恢复能力,以支持我们的员工.

What HLGU professors played a part in your success? How did your relationship with faculty help you succeed?

Katherine Burt taught me write correctly for each kind of situation that I encounter.
Richard Todd taught me how to look at and solve problems in mathematics, 静力学, and dynamics; but more importantly he and his wife Jeanne counseled my wife (Cari) and I up to and after our wedding, and were a significant factor in how we raised our kids and conduct our family.
Dr. Paul Brown taught me kindness, grace, and mercy.
Dr. Ken McNutt taught me to appreciate literature of all kinds.
Mr. 杰瑞·艾伦教我如何欣赏经济学.
Dr. Ziegler taught me to appreciate chemistry and differential equations.
Dr. 卡迪斯·布莱恩(还有山姆·斯威舍,他当时还不是我的教授)教导我要热爱旧约,更清晰、更可爱、更丰富地看到其中的耶稣.
Dr. Barry Morgan taught me Fortran which is an engineering focused programming language.
Dr. 杰里·托马森教会我要跳出思维定式,不要依赖那些可能不成立的假设.

Please list any scholarships, honors, or awards you received as an undergraduate or graduate.

I was inducted to Phi Theta Kappa (National Two Year Honor Fraternity) at HLG, and I believe I was the Valedictorian of the Associate class that graduated in May 1991. 在罗拉大学,我随后被选入Phi Kappa Phi(国家学术荣誉协会),并且是Tau Beta Pi的成员,这是一个国家工程荣誉协会. I graduated from UMR with my BS in Geological Engineering and Magna Cum Laude.

Do you have any tips to share with students interested in this field?

You don’t have to start out at the 4 year university to get an engineering degree. 你可以从像哈佛大学这样的学校开始,为学习如何学习打下良好的基础,避免在满是600名学生的演讲厅里被淘汰.


Playing ping pong at the student center and having chapel in a tent. 1989年夏天(大火烧毁了整栋行政大楼之后),我担心HLG不会在我秋季入学时陪伴我. The greatest memory is seeing HLG rise from the ashes and be better than before.

What on-campus activities were you involved in at HLGU?

我记得的主要是乒乓球. 我是一个通勤学生, 直到第一学期之后,我才学到重要的一课,那就是你必须在校园里获得最好的经历. 第二学期我做得更好.

HLGU的座右铭是“知识服务”.” What roles have these values played in your life?

I have come to believe that you can take this phrase in many ways. Unfortunately, many folks think they can’t serve because they don’t know enough to start with. 我发现服务可以帮助我学到更多. 因此, 我曾在当地学校董事会任职, as Chair of the local Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Boards, 同时也在国际狮子会担任扶轮社领导职务,目前担任48个扶轮社及将近1个扶轮社的地区总监,爱荷华州东南部的000只狮子. So, 我可能会把这句话重新定义为“为知识服务”,因为它满足了我对人和帮助人们的事物的好奇心.

What is one thing you know now that you wish you’d known when you started in the field?

I didn’t set big enough goals, and I didn’t know what the potential could be. I also didn’t know that 我的职业生涯 wasn’t just one thing, but a panorama of opportunities that God would unfold as I walked with Him. It is a practical outworking of Ephesians 2:10. 和, 最后,我现在对孩子们说的是“弄清楚你喜欢做什么,然后想办法通过做这件事来赚钱。.”


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